We provide RMT receipts to be able to claim to the insurance company. All the information needed will be available on the RMT receipt. Insurance reimbursement usually take 2 days or more depending on the insurance company. We can provide assistance if necessary. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Missed appointments prevent other clients from receiving treatment they need. This is also inconsiderate to the Therapists, Technicians and Estheticians waiting for you to arrive to your scheduled time. If you need to cancel or change your scheduled appointment, please cancel your appointment at least 24 hours in advance by calling us. We also confirm appointments 1-2 days before as a kind gesture, you can let us know that you will not be able to make your appointment. Therefore, with enough notice, appointments can be offered to other clients waiting and in need of treatment.
Missed appointments with less than 24 hours notice and no show appointments will be charged in full. If you are redeeming a Gift Certificate to pay for the missed appointment, it will be considered used and no longer valid. Thank you for understanding.